Sunday 23 October 2011

appreciation for my followers.

i've just hit 40 followers. :)

i've always thought my life pretty boring and unimportant. i'm the girl that has always wanted to blend into the background but somehow i can't manage that. i'm the sort of person who my friends think is this over confident, loud bubbly girl who is happy with the way she is. people that have been in my class for 6 years and wudn't be that close with me describe me as having 'fake confidence'. i pretend that i'm confident when really my insecurities are suffocating me.

this made me realise that most of the time, it's strangers who know the most about you. who can figure you out. i don't mean to sound rude, but in my eyes, my followers are strangers: i've never met any of you, and i only know so much about yous. but yous know stuff about me that i wouldn't that my friends don't know.

i'm not really sure what the purpose of this blog is. . just a thank you really. . i feel like my blog needs some changes made to it, so if you've any ideas of what you would like to see in it, comment please :)


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