Monday 25 July 2011

i wish i was special. you're so fucking special

my mum thinks i've got an inferiority complex. she says the way i go on makes her think that i feel im not good enough. how right is she?

anyway, life is so boring at the moment. i'm looking forward to this week, i'll be out of the house most of the week adn won't have time to eat.. though, S, thinks we should have a day watching dvds. . . and eating food. . i've never had to attemtp t get out ofa  situation like this before. . :/


  1. you could still have the day and just say you aren't too hungry and eat a nice amount or make sure to have good wholesome foods.

  2. mmm, it's amazing how right parents can be, when they appear not to have a clue. for the film day with your friend, maybe just get some low/healthier version of snacks in, and take 1 for every 6 that your friend has or something? :/
