Saturday 26 February 2011

Manger ou ne pas manger? Voilà la question.

I have to write a presentation for my French oral and that's the title that I used. I had a choice of subjects to chose from for it. But I chose eating disorders. Simply because I felt that I'd be able to talk about it better than I could talk about things like gender roles in society or secularism.

on friday, i had to email my final draft to my french teacher. Up until now it's been my French oral assistant looking at it. She said my presentation was perfect. That it was one of the most interesting thing she's ever read. But that's not what my French teacher said in the reply i got. it made me angry. upset. when i read the comments she gave me.

'erin. it's quite evident that you really haven't a clue what you're talking about. honetsly. people don't get to the point where food controls their life.'
 yes. it does. food controls what mood im in. it determines if i have a good day or a bad day. i cant eat some thing without wantin to cry or physically hurt my self.

'have you actually heard some say that they have what is described as a voice in their head telling them that they're a horrible person if they eat something with more than 100 calories.'
i do. 

'rewrite this. and make sure you actually do research this time. none of this made up stuff.'
this isnt made up. it's real life. my life. 

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